Soccer in the Streets Newsletter Spotlight

Take It Outside is proud to be featured in a recent Soccer in the Streets newsletter. Check out the write-up from this amazing organization. 

“Last week, I met a man named Zach Coward at our West End Station Soccer location. In business, he is Chief Revenue Officer for Five Traks, a strategic advisory firm serving small businesses in the Outdoor Service Industry, but we didn’t get together for a property maintenance consultation. He certainly wouldn’t be meeting with the Marketing Director for that purpose!

In his personal life, Zach is also the Executive Director of a nonprofit organization called “Take It Outside.” This is a group of Outdoor Services professionals that have come together to use their skill sets and spare materials to improve the communities they live in. And for Soccer in the Streets, they have certainly done that! West End has been treated to a new drainage system, decorative plants, regraded garden areas, new garden boxes, and a new gravel walkway!! 

There are many people you meet operating a nonprofit who do what they do in a very focused way; they aren’t looking around for new ways to utilize their skills. Of course, that is their right. Alternatively, it is incredibly refreshing to meet folks like Zach & Take It Outside that see what they have as an opportunity to give back to the community. Not to mention, the results are beautiful, which offers members of the program at West End a whole new way to see this space where they come together for football… and so much more!!”